B1/B2的“B”并不是英文beach(海滩)的意思,而是visitor(参观者)这个词的头三个字母。 美国移民法规定,所有非美国公民访问者入境时必须取得有效的入境许可或绿卡身份。为了区分来美目的和资格,美国移民局将访美旅客分成两类:B类和F类。其中: B1是指来访目的是旅游观光、参加会议; B2是指来访的目的是探亲访友或是短期学习。 F1指的是留学生,而F2则是留学生的配偶。 这两个类别又可分为许多子类。例如:
B-1 visitor for business (b1) is separated into four subcategories. A b-1 visit for a special event or participation in a medical treatment program may be valid up to sixty days, while the other three are valid one year from arrival date:a temporary visitors status as a participant in an international training program; as a transiting passenger through u.s.airports with not more than seven day stay outside transit area and on flight with only one intermediate stop;and visa required travelers who meet certain conditions, including that they must come directly from their country of residence without stopping over en route at another country. A b-2 tourist may obtain two one-year visits which can both start on same day if applied within one year of each other, whereas the validity period of other sub categories is normally six months from entry date.
以上摘自USCIS网站 从上面可以看出来,B类的种类远比F多,而且适用范围也很广。因此对于绝大多数人而言,B才是他们申请签证时候的首选。 通常人们所说的旅游签证就是指B1/B2这一组合了。不过从上面的解释里我们也可以看出,B其实还有另外的一重含义——business(商务),尽管B1/B2中的这两个单词都是visitor的意思而不是business的词根visitor。所以在某些场合下,使用B类签证的人也会被称作商务访客(Business Visitors, BV), 而非普通的游客。