

The WBS is located in the city centre of Coventry, a short ride from Birmingham on the train. It’s an easy place to reach and once you’re here you can explore all that this vibrant university town has to offer – shop, catch up with friends or practice your Chinese calligraphy.

Coventry is one of England's most historic cities, full of beautiful buildings and green space including a tree-lined canal running through it. There are plenty of places to eat and drink and if you like good food then there is plenty of that too ! You can find some local tips for eating out and other things to do when you arrive by clicking on the links below, which will take you to our University's website.

WBS Location - One Stop Shop (OSS) on Google Map

From the map above, you can see the location of all of our buildings on campus as well as how close they are to each other. The OSS is where our Student Services team are based and you will be able to receive help and advice regarding your studies throughout your time here.

There are a number of ways to get to us:

1)Train 从伦敦到沃里克大约3小时的车程。乘火车从伦敦到沃里克只要两三个小时的车程——比到伯明翰还要近。在Paddington火车站乘车前往Coventry(在火车上需换车一次),列车员会检查你的车票和签证。记得保留好车票以便入境英国时查验。 请登陆http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/plan_your_journey/station_enquiries.aspx查询具体车次以及价格。到达后,乘坐手扶电梯(escalator)到地下一层(basement)的Bus Station坐巴士到大学校区。 或 2)飞机 乘飞机到伯明翰国际机场(BHX),然后转搭火车到Watford Junction,再搭乘出租车到学校。

地址:University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL

Contact Us: china@warwick.ac.uk



华威商学院前身是成立于1967年的工商管理学院(School of Industrial and Business Studies)简称IBS,是欧洲乃至世界的一流商业和金融研究中心之一,在英国工商管理专业学术排名中长期以来同伦敦经济政治学院并列第一位。在2014年全英REF评估体系中,华威商学院80% 的科研成果被评定为世界领先(World leading)或者国际优秀(Internationally excellent)。华威商学院是AMBA(Association of MBAs)和EQUIS(European Quality Improvement System)两大社会团体的成员,同时拥有AACSB(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)的正式成员资格,全世界仅有不超过1%的商学院同时获得过这三项最有影响力的国际权威认证。


华威商学院位于美丽的考文垂大学校园附近,毗邻交通大动脉中部高速公路(M6)和M69高速公路,离伯明翰机场(Birmingham International Airport)和特鲁洛夫机场(East Midlands Airport)都很近(两机场开车到学校皆只需三十多分钟的车程)。考文垂是一座拥有1000多年历史的英国古城,英国历史上第一个国王就是在这里被选举和加冕的。华威商学院地处考文垂的南郊,距离考文垂市中心只有7公里,环境幽静优美,从学校步行到考文垂市中心也仅需二十多分钟。同时,华威商学院所处的考文垂南郊有很多高档欧式建筑围绕着,是一座集历史古韵和现代风范结合的城市,距离英国第一大城市、全球第三大金融中心和欧洲第二大金融中心:伦敦也只有1个小时(火车)车程,地理位置十分优越,交通也十分便捷。
