有的哦,不同国家有不同的签证类型呢! 那我就以我申请过的英国留学签证为例来说明一下吧~(其他国家的签证也差不多都这样) 英国的签证大致可以分为4个种类:Tier1, Tier2, Tier5和PSW 其中只有Tier2是有面试环节的,而面试的也是不同的部门哟~ 接下来就来讲一讲关于各个部门的面试过程吧~~
1. Home Office (伦敦) 这个是总部啦,所有的Tier2申请都需要到London这边来做面试哒~~~ 我被分到的部门是在Cannon street 的office里面,在Bank站坐的8,11,15,23,就是那个很复古的红色巴士,下车后走两步就到了,还是很方便的呐~ 面试前有一个视频要看完的,然后会有一个笔试的题目需要做一下 面试当天是需要提前去check in的,可以拿一个号码牌先坐在等候区等,也可以直接去填写表格什么的,反正到时候会叫到你的编号就OK啦~ 面试的时候会有几个面试官轮流来和你聊天,聊聊你之前的工作经历啊,为什么想去英国工作啊,对英国的理解是怎样之类的。。。大概30min到一个小时的样子就会结束啦。整个过程还是比较轻松的,主要是看你对答是否流畅,如果面试官觉得你有问题的话也会直接问你,然后你再根据情况好好解释清楚就行咯 这里建议小伙伴们在面试前自己准备一些可能会问到的问题,比如你的年薪是多少呀?为什么要申请这个职位等等。还有就是要注意自己的说话语气还有用词,千万不要太过生僻噢,不然考官听不大懂的。而且也不要过度使用口语化的句子,毕竟面试官都是英国人嘛!当然英语能力不是很好的同学也不用担心哈,因为面试的主要目的还是看你的逻辑思维与表达能力滴~~
2. British Consulate-General, Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou/Chengdu The second type of interview is only given to those who have been assigned by the immigration office located in these cities, that is, applicants for tier two visa in China are required to go through an interview with them. I'm going to talk about how it works at Shanghai consulate because we had our interviews there last year when I got my visa. It was really easy and very relaxed compared with London office, but you will still need to prepare some materials before your appointment time which can be found on their website. You just fill out a form online and upload all scanned documents that they asked you to do within three days after you get the confirmation email from them so you can arrange for everything beforehand. And remember not to attach any documents as attachments if you use e-mail, or it may cause delays. They prefer us to send them hard copies via Post. When you come to pick up your Appointment slip, kindly ask the staff there which post code is suitable for your address since different post codes require additional documents. Here are the details:
Beijing: 100600, 朝阳区东三环北路霞光里9号佳程广场A座1楼(Lobby A , Building A, Jia Cheng Plaza, No. 9 Xia Guang Li North Avenue, East Third Ring Road, Chaoyang District, 100600 ) 上海: 200002,黄浦区河南中路22号外滩中央大厦B座7层 北京/上海: 邮编200002的黄