

我2017年拿到AD,18开始读,20年拿的MBA degree. 所有项目里,除了最水的两个,都是full-time two year,两个最水的项目是part-time,一个一年半,一个是两年。

Part-timers are the same price as full-timers but you take classes at night instead of during the day so you have to pay for housing and childcare if you have kids. You can't waive the GMAT because most schools will say that yourBureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) data shows that you don't need it. Waiving the GRE is more common practice in some cases, though I didn't do this. You only get one shot at the GMAT or GRE so you want to make sure you know what you're getting into before you register.

I would advise anyone who has never taken a class on a computer before not to go part-time just because technology plays such a huge role now. I am a pretty tech savvy person and had no problem adjusting, but it feels like you are behind every step of the way when you start something new. A lot of people made the mistake of taking the part-time option thinking they could keep up their current lifestyle——not an easy feat with children and/or long commutes. With full-time you are all there, in class, at the office, etc. It really helped me focus on my studies and network with other students. And let's face it, we are our own worst enemies sometimes because we get so wrapped up in our work.

One thing about business schools is that they tend to look past any flaws in your resume. For example, if you have a gap in your employment history, they won't bring it up. They also won't ask you why you decided to leave a job. So you can be honest but still not tell them everything. In addition, while most programs require you to submit four letters of recommendation, I was able to get away with only three. Two from prior supervisors at my jobs, another professional letter, and then my statement of purpose and resume.

The best advice I can give you is to plan ahead and know where you want to work after graduating(so you can find a job in that industry). The MBA will change your life, whether you want it to or not. Don't be afraid! Good luck~


以斯坦福大学商学院为例, 它的MFE(金融工程)专业是36个月。 MPPE(商业分析)也是两年制、 MSF(财务)是1年7个月的。 MSBA(数据分析科学)是20个学分的,所以一年可以毕业。


当然有些项目的录取要求会更高。比如斯坦福的MFE,去年就录了49个人。而且这个项目不需要考GRE和LSE。 但是像沃顿这种顶级商学院的要求就比较高了, GPA要在3.7以上才比较有把握能申请到。如果成绩达不到这个标准,那就考虑一下其他学校吧。比如说南加大和西北大学的商科硕士项目也很不错哦!
