

Tier 3 is for foreign nationals coming to the UK as a student. This includes people who want to study in the UK but also those who come on a Tier 4 (General) Student visa, which allows them to work part-time up to an aggregate of 20 hours per week during term time and full-time when not attending classes,as long as their main purpose remains that of education or training. There are certain requirements regarding age and English language abilities, among others.

What does this mean if I am here on a tier 4 student visa? Well, you must fulfil all the conditions attached to your student visa, such as enrolling at a university or college that holds a Tier 4 sponsor licence;you cannot switch into another immigration category unless it meets with Home Office’s criteria or your circumstances have changed; and you may need to leave Britain before you complete your course, especially if you overstayed on your original entry或leave. Some visas even require you to be present within British borders throughout the duration of your studies! What?! If only…

The worst thing about these types of visas though, besides having strict rules attached to them like crazy,is that they are subject to various sanctions should you end up breaking any one of its stipulations. These include deportation from Britain and being banned from re-entering the country for between three years and four decades depending on the seriousness of what offence you committed. Yikes! So make sure everything stays on track whilst studying in Britain-it takes more than just perseverance!


我申请了Tier 2工签,不过现在还没拿到结果(19年4月申请的) 然后刚刚看了一下我的case在移民局官网上的状态,显示的是“In processing” 我之前也看到了这个单词,是移民局正在处理的阶段,就是不知道什么时候能出结果!因为我是18年下半年申请的我也不知道要多久才能出来啊! 现在都快要到5月份了!急死我了! 希望有同样情况的大家都能收到好消息!
