

填申根签证申请表,英文比较好,但是其实还是有很多名词是法国式的法语表示的。 首先大家要注意一下表格里各部分的缩写,我列在下面了:

P1. Personal details Name (姓与名要分开填写)

Adress (地址分三部分写:城市+省/州+国家) Nationality of passport(护照所属国) Birth date(出生日期) Gender(性别) Telephone number in france(在法国的手机号) Mobilephone number(手机) PII number for french residents(如果在法国有税号的话一定要填!这是签证申请的基本条件之一呢~不知道的话就去税务局问吧~) e-mail address in use now(您现在用的e-mail地址) Passport no and expiry date(护照号码和有效期)

P2. Details about your stay Date you want to enter France and how often do you plan to visit(进入法国及回程的时间细节要填写清楚哦~) How many times have you visited France before?(以前去过几次法国呢?) Purpose of your trip (去法国干什么呀~) Is this your first time visiting the Schengen area? (是否第一次来申根区啊?) Duration and dates of your stay in each country of entry: which cities will be visited? Which countries except FRANCE would you like to visit on your way back from FRENCHY? (在各国停留时间以及所去的省市,还有从法国回国时所经过的国家也要写详细哦!) What is the purpose of your last journey outside Europe? Are there any particular events that you wish to attend or visits that you particularly wanted to make during this journey? If Yes, please explain briefly.(你上次出国旅行的目的是什么?请简要解释说明哦) Have you ever stayed more than six months without visa?(你有没有超过六个月以上的非visa逗留记录啊?) Do you know all rules relating to French immigration law? Please mention them: eg, who is allowed into what kind of situation in Paris /inFrance etc; restrictions on family members accompanying non European Union nationals;exemptions granted by special agreement between the EU Member States; other relevant regulations? Please specify any changes made to these laws since January 2006: eg, if a residence permit was once available after three years’ work experience it is now only possible with five years' work experience. If so state when the change took place? Do you expect to break any rule while in France, such as not leaving the limits of the zone de résidence that has been authorised? Or working illegally or doing business in France? If yes, why? Would you like to declare here your knowledge of existing legal provisions?

P3. Other information You must fill out this section if applicable:

• Your sponsor, full name at birth and current contact details including their nationality, domicile address


个人旅游签,如实填写就可以啦 如果是商务或者探亲,那就不太一样了 有公司的话填好公司的信息就好 如果没有公司,那么要填的是你目前的工作单位(就是正在工作的地方)和以前的工作经历就差不多可以啦~ 因为是个人旅游签 所以不用管什么资产、收入证明啊这些文件材料什么的 总之如实填写就行! 祝题主顺利拿到签证噢~

1. 申请法国/意大利/西班牙/希腊签证时所提交的申请表上所有的信息和材料都是真实有效且与实际相符的;

2. 在申请表中正确输入个人信息及联系方式,包括有效的电子邮箱地址

3. 确保在申请中所提交的证件都在有效期内并且签名与护照上的签名一致;

4. 保证所提供的所有证件真实无误且无虚假成分,否则后果自负;

5. 申请人本人须认真核对并确认填报信息的准确性;

6. 如有任何疑问或其他需说明的情况,请在填写申请表的时候注明或另备详尽的解释性材料。
